New Bank House,
1 Brockenhurst Road,

Hatch Mansfield is a UK specialist agent in premium wines made by independent wine producers. Established in 1994 with Louis Jadot, Errazuriz and Villa Maria and headed up by Patrick McGrath MW, Hatch Mansfield remains fiercely independent. Today we represent 17 internationally acclaimed wine companies with a 64-strong team including 3 Masters of Wine (MW)
Hatch Mansfield is a UK specialist agent in premium wines made by independent wine producers. Established in 1994 with Louis Jadot, Errazuriz and Villa Maria and headed up by Patrick McGrath MW, Hatch Mansfield remains fiercely independent. Today we represent 17 internationally acclaimed wine companies with a 64-strong team including 3 Masters of Wine (MW)
At Hatch Mansfield, we take sustainability very seriously. Over the last decade we have looked very hard at the best way to articulate our attitude to the environment, and how best to respond to the challenges involved.
Carbon Footprint
As a business Hatch Mansfield have been trying to reduce our carbon footprint on a per case or per employee rate. This is a continual work in progress with science-based initiatives and something we are constantly assessing. Partnering with Carbon Footprint; we have offset over 7,000 tonnes of CO2 through various gold standard projects since 2012.
In addition, we have been cutting fuel emissions by incentivising the use of more fuel-efficient company cars.
Carbon Neutral Status
In 2020 we took things one step further and included all our inbound wine into London City Bond into our carbon neutral calculations, this is the final link in the chain. In June 2020 we achieved Carbon Neutral status as accredited by Carbon Footprint.
We are now one of the few UK agencies to hold ISO 14001:2015, BRC Agents and Brokers, and achieve Carbon Neutrality.
Staff Welfare & Progression
Our people are the most important part of our business and we aim to give our team the right tools to feel motivated and succeed. Hatch Mansfield’s Well-being Team aim to fostering good employee wellbeing to help prevent stress and create positive working environments, where individuals can thrive.
Use of Renewables
We are working towards our office electricity being sourced from 100% renewable sources and we are ascertaining how our renewable energy tariff is accredited.
Ecological Care & Regeneration
Hatch Mansfield are supporters of the following charities:
The British Beekeepers Association – The BBKA aim to promote the craft of beekeeping, as well as advance education in these crucially important insects.
The Woodland Trust- Through this ongoing support we have so far removed over 1650 tonnes of carbon by planting in excess of 8,300 native British trees.
Heal Rewilding- Through our canned wine project Wild Steps, we support Heal Rewilding who rewilding land in England to heal nature and act on climate change
Packaging & NPD
Hatch’s own innovation team are continually working on utilising novel innovative and sustainable packaging solutions as well as considering more environmentally friendly packaging (encouraging our supplier to use lighter weight bottles, launching a range of recyclable wine in cans and spearheading the use of KeyKegs).
Supply Chain Partners
This is a large part of our footprint, and something that we see huge scope to improve. Each year we invite our team and customers to vote for their favoured carbon offset project to address the annual CO2 created by the distribution of our wines from London City Bond, as well as our business travel and office CO2.
Chosen Suppliers
Work is ongoing with our environmental code of conduct scorecard for non-wine suppliers.
Community Focused Activities
We believe we have a responsibility to support charities that are part of our industry. Where we can, amongst others, we work with Hospitality Action and The Drinks Trust, both of which are recognised for supporting people in their respective industries who have for many reasons found themselves in a difficult place.
We are in the process of defining our ongoing targets, the aim being to broaden our current work to include more social and ethical targets as well as broadening our environmental metrics. Currently we are focussing on reduction of our carbon footprint and becoming more accurate in our reporting of Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions.